Monday, November 9, 2009

Beautiful Fall Day!

Yesterday was the most perfect fall day ever! I spent the morning doing some winterizing of my gardens and raking of leaves. Here's my bearded iris bed - weeded and with a new layer of compost.

My perrenial garden also got weeded (it was bad), I planted two butterfly bushes in the middle and then gave it some compost.

I didn't tackle my herb garden. Probably because it's the worst! It's about 1/2 weeds and will take a while to get ready.
Jay worked on the gutters.
I found a beautiful firefly hanging out on one of our windows!
It was so nice, I just laid down on the ground to look at the sky. I got attacked by Hank!

Just look at that beautiful blue sky! It was so peaceful.
But Hank kept attacking, so I figured it was time for a walk. I left Jay to scoop handfuls of gross gutter leaves while Hank and I went to Loon Pond.
He's just so handsome!
I found some funky orange fungus on a snag by the pond.
It was so nice that Hank had to go swimming!
He loves it when I throw rocks in just a foot or so. He puts his whole head underwater to fish them out!
We walked by a couple of birdhouses without holes. Looks like someone messed up!

Actually, this is a bat house. The park is trying to lure more bats in to combat the misquitos. I hate those things. We saw tons of autumn olive and bittersweet. Both are terrible invasive plants, but pretty.

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