We had a fantastic day today! We both had the day off due to the Patriot's Day holiday so we decided to do something fun. The weather looked nice so we took off at 8:51 this morning to ride our bikes along the Cape Cod Canal.
We made sure to stopped at the herring run. The herring were just starting to make their swim from ocean to pond in order to spawn. We saw a few at the bottom pool, but none in the run.
Can you imagine trying to swim upstream through this little channel! With overfishing and the extreme challenges they face to spawn, these little fishies are in trouble. Right now (it's been a few years), you cannot take any herring from Massachusetts waters (don't know if it extends to other states/areas). Hopefully it will help their population grow.
We saw a few people pulling their lobster pots. Yummm...
And a HUGE ship went through the canal. It was an awesome sight. We were sitting on a bench watching it go by and Jay leaned over to give me a smooch and then he declared "I just kissed my wife!" He was so cute!
Sagamore Bridge
Hank was on his best behavior. We didn't put him on the leash and we kept him between us and the grass. He didn't get distracted by anyone walking, running, bike riding, in-line skating, other dogs, etc. It was great to have such a well behaved dog with us. He ran along-side us for six miles and was terrific! He didn't want to leave when it was time to get back in the truck!
We went out to the jetty at Scusset Beach State Reservation. No dogs on the beaches now because of the plovers, but we let Hank climb down the jetty on the Canal side as this was not plover habitat and we only stayed a few minutes.
Here's our water dog!
Of course he just had to taste the water! Gross! We have to watch him or he'll drink too much!
We then drove to Plymouth waterfront and went to a cute little cafe for lunch. Did some errands and didn't get home until 3PM! We all took an hour nap when we got home we were so wiped out!
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