Yesterday Becky went into labor - early morning. So Danny took her to the hospital and they did an emergecny C-section. Delaney Susan was born at 10:30am, weighing 5 lbs and 14 ounces. Griffin Michael Hugo was born at 10:31am, weighing 5 lbs and 14 ounces. All are doing great!
Here's Becky and Delaney. Most of the pictures are of Delaney, as we could all hold her and pass her around. Griffin could only be held by mom and just for a few minutes at a time because he needed his breathing monitored. Today, he is fine and everyone is holding him too, so I'll post more pics of Griffin soon.
Auntie Jessie, Delaney, and Momma Becky.
Momma Becky and Delaney - I think Becky was a little loopy on the morphine!
Auntie Jess and Delaney.
Nana Sue and her granddaugher!
Auntie Jess, the baby in her belly, Nana Sue, and Delaney Sue
Me, Jessie, Momma, and Delaney
Me and Delaney!
The pround new Daddy with his little girl!
Here's Griffin! Getting some snugglie time with Momma!
Momma with both of the babies!
And the whole family! What a team!
Delaney is on the left - she has a round Nelson face and dark hair. Griffin is on the right - he has a Graham face and blonde hair. Delaney's chubby face makes her look bigger than Griffin, but she's a whole pound smaller than him!
Sister and Brother!
they are just ADORABLE... I talked to your mom tonight so I had to come and see the little ones myself... congrats to the whole family for the beautiful twins... BIG HUGS
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! We are so thrilled. Pass our congrats on. Love love love, Sarah and Joe and Graham and Jakey
They are absolutely gorgeous! They must be having some hard dreams, though - look at those furrowed eyebrows!
Awww, this totally just warmed my heart :-)
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