Miss Thea Maya turned three last week!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! She is so grown up! Mom and Dad had a little pizza party for the birthday girl and Jay and I headed over to the homestead. First Mom gave her some gifts.
Notice the wrapping paper - yes, Momma Sue gave Thea her birthday presents in a paper bag rather than wrapping paper. That's normal for Sue.
And she got a cash register with "real" bills and coins in it!
Happy Birthday girl only knows how to smile like a weirdo! Her mom used to do that too when she was a little one.
She loved her backpack from Auntie Amy and Uncle Jay! She loved it so much she could hardly contain her happiness! Jessie says that Thea rarely removes it - it has to be with her everywhere!
And she got an easel with finger paints - although she wanted to use a brush!
And then there was cake! She was soooo excited!
What a lucky three year old.
This is what she does when you say "Thea - smile!" and then take a picture!
And then we all watched Uncle Jay ride off into the sunset....
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