Had a great past couple of days - the weather was (still is) awesome! Friday night Jami, EB, Deb and I went out to eat at a great place in Warwick called NYLO. The food was delish and I am definitely bringing Jay there soon. We then went to a comedy show featuring Cal Verducci, who we went to high school with. It was a riot!
Pic from Flicker - Square the A)

Pic from Flicker - Kerri9494)
Saturday, I had Thea. We got new sneakers at StrideRite and went to Jami's for a playdate with Drew and Grant.
Sunday was the bestest day of all! Jay and I hit the road early and went down camp. It was beautiful - almost 90 degrees. We sat by the pond and read for a while, saw Tim, Megan, John, Lorraine, Kathy and Scott - YEA! Hank got to play with his new friend Benny and also with Auggie. And go swimming!
We then drove to the Plymouth waterfront and went for a walk. We stopped and got a yummy pizza and salad which we took to a park and had an impromptu picnic. Hank my crusts so he was super happy. It was so sunny and warm. I did get a bit of a sunburn, but it will fade to a tan by tomorrow.
We got home and decided to make homemade ice cream. Jay bought the ingredients while I pureed some fresh strawberries. We set up our ice cream maker and ended the day with a yummy treat.
1 comment:
Amy, I may not be a frequent commenter, but I read D,B&H all the time! And we thought of you all this weekend and really wished we were down camp as well. We're going to be home the week of the 4th! - Sarah, Joe and Graham
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