Thursday, April 30, 2009
Laugh Out Loud Funny
Seriously, the chick that writes this blog makes me laugh out loud when I read her posts (really - Jay and Hank look at me like I'm a kook). She is sooooo funny. I have a tummy ache from laughing so loud at her Adventures in Nature post which you can see directly here:
Trust me on this one.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What A Weekend!

Saturday, I had Thea. We got new sneakers at StrideRite and went to Jami's for a playdate with Drew and Grant.
We then drove to the Plymouth waterfront and went for a walk. We stopped and got a yummy pizza and salad which we took to a park and had an impromptu picnic. Hank my crusts so he was super happy. It was so sunny and warm. I did get a bit of a sunburn, but it will fade to a tan by tomorrow.
We got home and decided to make homemade ice cream. Jay bought the ingredients while I pureed some fresh strawberries. We set up our ice cream maker and ended the day with a yummy treat.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Ode to Tim
Monday, April 20, 2009
No Comments = Amy Sad
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Greek Easter
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Babysitting Drew & Grant
America's Hometown
Last night Jay, Hank and I took a hike to a vernal pool we've been keeping our eyes on. We brought a net and bucket and did some muck scooping. We found all sorts of creepy crawlies and even a baby frog (aka tadpole), but no salamanders or fairy shrimp. We're going to go back in a few weeks and see what we can find. I love that we make it a priority to spend a lot of time outdoors. I bet Jay and I spend more time outdoors than 75% of the people in Massachusetts. I love it, especially now that spring has sprung! It reached 70 degrees yesterday!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
I Feel Like a Four Year Old!

I was in a deep, deep sleep and woke up to about six nurses huddled around me! And I was on the floor! And there were wet cloths all over my face! And there was a sheet on me!
I had no clue where I was or what happened - it was so scary! I quickly regained my senses and asked how long I had been out. The nurse said less than a minute. Then I asked if I fell, and she said that I slumped at the table, but they put me on the floor.
Then, THEN! I felt a little weird 'down there' and realized that I PEED MY PANTS!!!!! That's right folks, I peed my pants like a little kid! There were people sitting pretty close to me and I kept saying "I can't believe I peed my pants!", and the nurse kept telling me to shush - she was so embarrassed for me. But, I mean, HELLO! It was totally apparent that I peed my pants when I passed out! I thought it was kind of funny.
I had to call Jay to come get me - they wouldn't let me drive home because I almost passed out again when they sat me up. I got pee on the seat of his Chevelle! I thought he was going to have a heart attack! But I told him I peed my pants, so he should have put a towel down or something. It's going to be a long time before I give blood again! And hopefully that's all I'll 'donate!"
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
Riding the Cart
My Weekend
On Thursday, I had dinner with the Hendies and EB's friend, Norma. We also watched the first episode of Parks and Recreation. It was sooo funny! And it's funny to watch a show that's based around what I do!