Thursday, March 26, 2009

100th Post!

It's my 100th post! And checkity, checkity, check this out!!!!!

Should be in the old SC this weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for posting that pic of Benny. I was surfing the net a couple days ago and I came across a pic of a dog I believe to be Benny from 2007. He was listed under the heading "time is running out" in an ad from a kill shelter in Georgia and I'm pretty sure it is him due to the perfect matchup of his distinct markings. Anyway, he is behaving as a perfect gentleman and looks forward to meeting you guys.
By the way why is it that it took you years to mention my name on your blog but I get a dog and he gets on right away?


Anonymous said...

Oh ya one more thing........


Ok I'm done.
