Friday, November 28, 2008


Mom and Jessie cooking away!

Miss Thea in her cute Thanksgiving dress!
Jay playing with fire while waiting patiently for the food .

Jessica and Chadd enjoying the fire as well.
Peter, Thea, and Jess.
Miss Thea just couldn't wait for dinner!The family ready to chow down!
Look at that delicious spread!

Then a bear came and licked all the food off of Thea!
Just kidding - Peter was playing around with my Dad's bear rug. Thea was petrified of it!Then we all had to play dress-up!
Here's Elmer Fudd! Complete with a gun!
Pilgrims Chadd and Jessica!
Happy Whitmore Family!

The End! ~Jay and Amy

1 comment:

Becky Andrews said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Look forward to reading more ...