Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Day Before

Rachel's getting married today!! Yesterday the girls spent the morning getting our nails done and drinking mimosas, then we headed to Jami's house for pizza and cackling!

Here's the blushing bride - I can't imagine being as cool, calm and collected on the day before my wedding!

The Rice girls:

Vicky, Amy, and EB:

King Philip High School, Class of 1995 - Amy, Jami, Rachel, Vicky, EB

My Best Friends:

Then Jay, Hank, and I headed back to Jami's to babysit Drew while Jami and Andy were at the rehearsal.

Cutest and Best-Behaved Little Man EVER (Drew can say my name now - woo-hoo)!

Uncle Jay reading Drew a story:

And Hank...

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