Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Camping on an Island

Headed off to Cape Cod for another season of the Coastal Interpretive Training. We started off our training with a trip to a nearby osprey nest. It's hard to see in this picture, but there's the nest with an adult sitting on it.

We also took a field trip to South Cape Beach where we sein netted up some creatures and learned about horseshoe crabs.

Here's the group - mostly state park Interpreters and staff from the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History.
Alison gave a great talk about horseshoe crabs and the situation they are in today (too much bait harvesting and medical harvesting).
A blue crab - displaying it's swimmer legs.

We then took a walk along the beach to see the newly exposed forest. A big storm this March exposed trees that are over 500 years old. This shows that our coast line hasn't been in the same place for very long. About 500 years ago this place was a forest. Here's the expert talking his talk.
And the trainees listening away.
Here are a few of the submerged trees (there are about 100 of these) along with some peat -showing that this place was a forest which transitioned into a salt marsh which transitioned into the coast line.
I then spent night camping on Washburn Island. There it is out in the distance. I had to take a boat ride out to the island with a few other Interpreters.
Here's a close up - the island camping is between those two points you see in the distance.

Here's my peaceful tent in the Cape Cod woods....
Steve cooked us a wonderful dinner. And then we all slept to the tune of rain and thunder! Good thing I waterproofed my tent a few days ago - I was snug and dry!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

We Did It!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we've officially owned this house (ok, payed mortgage on this house) for a year now! And I'm proud to say that we've officially finished our first room and bathroom! I am so proud - I love them! I keep telling Jay that I'm moving into this room. I went with a green/nature theme (big surprise, right). We didn't paint the walls, because they were painted right before we moved in. But I've decided that I don't Loooovvvveee the walls, so I'll repaint them someday....

The bed was a rescue - it's not perfect, but it has character. Love the pineapple knobs. The dresser came with the house (last owners left a lot of stuff!). Mirror was a yard sale find.

I picked this poster up while at the Great Falls Discover Center in March. I've been holding onto it because I just loved it. It really is gorgeous. I found an affordable frame (frames are so freakin' expensive!) and Jay helped hang it.

I need to get a little lamp for the dresser. That's #1 on my yard sale list now.
$20.00 Walmart curtains. Need to be ironed, but that's a job for another day! Love the reflection of the mirror on the right of the windows.
The mirror is so pretty - hard to see in the picture but it has a white floral border and two white porcelain hooks.
New accessories for the bathroom, include a new cute planter on the back of the toilet, but didn't take a pic.
Jay installed a new hose for the showerhead.
So pretty!
We haven't cleaned out the closet yet, but it's pretty good size. Once we get rid of the random stuff, I'll have to figure out how to organize it.

Cute ceramic bowl for the dresser - $0.25 at a yard sale.
A Bill Byrne (my favorite wildlife photographer) photo of a grey treefrog that I got at a Project WILD gathering a few years ago. One of my treasured possessions!
All ready just in time for our first guests to sleep in the new "Guest Suite" (that's what we've named it) - the Graham twins! So excited to have the twins over Monday night!

My Bestie Visits the Twins!

Tuesday night Jami and I had three great hours of girl time while riding to and from Becky and Danny's to see the twins. It was unbelievably nice to just sit and chat with Jami. She is awesome and I don't know what I would do without her!
We had a nice visit with the new family of four. Both babies are just sooo good. They are so content and really are cuddle bugs. I could just hold them for hours and hours. They are so good that they let all four of us eat a wonderful dinner in peace!
Jami snuggling with Delaney
Auntie Amy and Delaney
Momma Becky and Delaney (I think). Why do I always take more pictures of Delaney?!?!

Miss Delaney praying.
Mr. Griffin being such a good boy!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jess's Baby Shower

I travelled to Orange today for a little Baby Shower/Big Sister Party for Jess and Thea. Becky came along too with the twins! Here's Griffin taking a nap on Momma.

And Miss Delaney with Auntie Jess and cousin Thea. She's sticking out her tongue! So Cute! All the little kids were enthralled by these little babies, and they did such a good job with the 'no touching' rule!

Miss Thea got some kick-ass headbands and here she is modeling her red one. I totally stole the white one. I'm teaching her sharing! :)

Momma Becky with little Fin.
Jess with Laney - getting in the practice as her little one is due in 5 weeks.

Becky, Griffin, Thea, and Emma
The Girls! Thea always scrunches up her face for pictures!

Thea had a blast playing with Daddy.

Proud as a peacock! She demanded that I take her photo while in the air! Little diva!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer is Here!

I've been super busy with work, but now I have my whole crew hired and we're working out the final details of training. We went to the State Police Training Academy, where we are having our training, to scope out the place. It is surprisingly beautiful!

Some of my work peeps - yup, we get to wear those cool uniforms!
Last weekend was so nice that Jay and I just had to go on a canoe ride down the Nemasket River. It was gorgeous - and we saw lots of turtles! Hank came along for the ride and was such a good guy in the canoe.
We made our way to the Assawompsett Pond in Lakeville. No canoes allowed, so we turned back here after Hank went for a swim.

I know I look like a total dork, but I am trying to avoid sunburns this year. First time wearing the hat and the brim took a nose dive. I'm going to try to starch it flat (I guess that't what I get for $12 at Target!).