Monday, March 30, 2009

Drew's Birthday Party and Thea's Visit

Jay and got to play with lots of little kids this weekend! I picked up Thea and Nana Sue on Saturday morning. We went to a kid's fun fair and Thea got to decorate a cupcake, make a button, won a slinky, ate a lolli-pop and play some games.

Then we got Thea dolled up (over-dressed, really. But you have to satisfy the Nana) and went to Drew's Birthday Party! As we were walking up to the door we could hear Drew calling "Thea! Thea!" It was the cutest! They got along great and we had a wonderful time at the party. Here's the birthday boy:

Miss Lindsey:
Miss Thea:
Thea slept over Saturday night and we dropped her back off at Nana and Grampie's Sunday morning. Jay and took a ride to New Bedford and went to this unbeleivable demolition place. They had parts of a million houses that had been domolished. You weren't supposed to take pictures, but when I saw this room I knew I had to!

Jay and I are still waiting to hear on the house. We have a very strong feeling, based on what the realtor told us, that we are not going to get the house as someone offered full price. I'm a little dissapointed, actually a lot dissapointed, but I know it wasn't meant to be. We're going to keep looking!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

100th Post!

It's my 100th post! And checkity, checkity, check this out!!!!!

Should be in the old SC this weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Exciting News

Jay and I put in an offer today on this house! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Garden Club Tea Party

My Garden Club had a new member tea party on Sunday. Each member had to invite someone from Wrentham to attend the tea party to learn more about the club and maybe become a member. I invited my friend EB. And EB invited Greg Burt, someone we went to high school with. It was very funny! Here are some pictures from the event. The first two are some of the centerpieces for the tables. These two were awesome. Mine sucked, but I'm poor so all I could afford was carnations and baby's breath.

We have a flower arrangement competition in April, so we got to play with some flowers. Aren't they beautiful.Here's EB and Greg enjoying the tea party!

KP Class of '95 Reunion at the Garden Club Tea Party - very, very surreal. And am I really that round? I mean, Jesus! My mental picture of me is soooo very different from the actual picture of me! Today I saw my first crocuses (croci?)! Spring is really here!

A New Dog!

My friends Tim and Megan have a new dog! His name is Benny and Tim says he is a very nice dog. Hank and I cannot wait to meet Benny and hang out at Fearings Pond!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Jay!

It was Jay's birthday yesterday. Thirty-three years old! Wow, how did that happen? I think he was 26 when we started dating. That's crazy. Well, I got out of work a bit earlier than Jay, which is unusual, so I took Hank for his evening walk. I found some really, really cool lichen.

Here's me. I look surprised, but I'm not.

Mr. Hank at one of the rock formations we found on the trail.
I feel like I have to take Hank's picture at this spot every season. Here's the early spring shot.

Hank found a box turtle shell. He's in love.

After that, we were supposed to go out to Thai food to celebrate Jay's b-day, but instead we went to look at a house. Very, very exciting. This is a picture of the barn:
And the garage:

And the back of the house. We didn't take any pictures of the front - drats.

Jay took this picture of me and I had no idea until I uploaded the pics from the camera. I was using a stick to play music on the four or five empty beer bottles lying in this urn thingy and he caught me!
Then we went home and had some yummy birthday cake! Thai food will wait 'til Saturday night.Saturday morning brought me to Waltham to celebrate Carter Jay's 1st Birthday! We had pizza and a make-your-own-sundae bar and it was yum! Here's Steph showing Carter the bunny Jay and I gave him.

Carter loved the doggie puppet - it was very cool. Thanks Steph and John!